Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use a solar system?

When it comes to energy, there is no choice. In the modern world, we must have electricity to function. If you install solar on your home or business, you create a source of income for yourself, increase the equity in your home, and help the environment with clean energy. When you buy energy from the power company, you are simply paying to lease the energy.

Does solar energy work in the United States?

Yes! The solar industry in the United States is growing by two times every year. We have more sunshine than Germany (a country that is almost self-sufficient in renewable energy), where more than 35% of homes use solar. We can use the spare space on your roof or property to make your home or business self-sufficient.

What are RECs?

RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) are another source of income. Each megawatt/hour of energy you produce equals one REC. These certificates are sold quarterly on the energy stock market and purchased by "dirty" energy companies. You will receive quarterly cash dividends.

Do I need to remove the Snow?

No. Because the panels are made of tempered glass, and therefore smooth, the snow slides right off, similar to a metal roof. When we experience a heavy snowfall (1’+) the snow may last a day or two, but your system size is designed to compensate for the minimal loss of production.

Will my solar work when we lose power?

Because your system is tied to the grid, the system will automatically shut off when the power goes out. This is an intentional safety feature to protect utility workers. However, incorporating a generator is an inexpensive and effective solution and we can also help with that. By tying a generator into your system, your home will never be without power again and you will continue to use the power you are producing during daylight hours.

Purchasing vs. Leasing Solar.

SolarSpire Homes does not recomend Solar leases. When you lease, the leasing company receives all the incentives for your system, including the 30% Federal Tax Credit, NH State rebate, and any renewable energy credits (REC) your system generates. Additionally:

⦁ You must sign a contract with the leasing company. They are usually 20-year lease agreements.

⦁ The leasing company owns your roof. Therefore, selling your home is very difficult.

⦁ Owning the equipment on your roof increases the value of your home – a leased system does not.

⦁ The price per kilowatt may be fixed, but the leasing company often builds in an annual price escalator. If the price of electricity goes down, you could actually end up paying more per kilowatt hour.

Will Solar Pay for Itself?

Yes! We will design your project to get the best return on your investment. You may have seen in the news that your utility is raising your rates again this year. That increase will only boost your return. Most projects we quote have a 6-7 year payback period! It’s a great time to invest in clean energy.

Can I sell the extra Power to the Utility?

Well, sort of. Here is what happens: the extra power your system produces during the summer and on any super sunny days is “banked” by your power company into your account. Then, during the shorter days of winter, at night, or on rainy days, you use your credits. This is called net metering.

Can I afford Solar?

The short answer is yes, everyone can afford it. Between the state’s cash rebate and the federal tax incentives your system’s price is paid for up to 35% for residential systems and even more for commercial businesses. The price depends on the size of the system you may need, as each system is tailored around your needs. However, our rates are very competitive. We can more accurately assess this over the phone or on-site with you.

Can I finance a solar project?

Yes! We work with dedicated solar finance providers that will help you finance your system. Often times we can structure financing so it is the same or lower than your current electric bill.

Will Solar make my roof Leak?

No. Before installation, we will ensure that your roof is in good condition and can withstand the panels and installation techniques. The flashing we use is also weather-sealed. Whether your roof is metal or shingle, we take the utmost care to protect it. Additionally, the panels are now shielding your roof from the elements, and thereby extending its life. Alternatively, we can also assess a ground mount option for you.

How long will my system Last?

Your solar panels come with a 25-year manufacturer warranty, but you can expect your system to produce for 35 to 40 years. Additionally, we guarantee our workmanship for five years.

A few other benefits of owning a solar PV system:

⦁ The warranties are transferable to the new owner when you sell your home.

⦁ Many towns in New Hampshire that offer property tax credits for going solar, thereby reducing your property taxes.

Will Solar increase my property value?

YES! Appraisers, real estate agents, and home buyers all agree that solar is a benefit to selling. Studies show that not only will the value go up, but homes with solar sell faster.

My roof is not great for Solar. What can I do?

SolarSpire Homes will design several options that can work without a roof. We can mount panels on the ground on top of poles designed for solar, or we could build a solar carport for you to park under.